About Us
Silver Rose Magazine is an online literary journal that published a quarterly issue filled with fantastic and innovative fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. You can find more print content on our sister magazine's website, Quartz Literary.
When we started this magazine, our intention was to create a space for emotive writing. We are greatly inspired by the writers of Romanticism and sought to reflect their values and ideals. We are interested in deep, unmovable emotions: love, heartbreak, wanderlust, longing, morose. We want to see your most hidden but present feelings. We want to be seen and heard.
Primarily, we are looking for literary fiction that deals with love, longing, and heartbreak. However, we also accept romance, erotica, and genre fiction that deals with romance in some way. Additionally, we are an entirely LGBTQIA+ led journal. We are dedicated to depicting writing from people of all demographics and are especially interested in works about queerness, gender, and diverging sexualities.
We look forward to reading your work!