A gentle weight in my bones
thick and slow like honey
an ache softly tenderizing my body
this is the knowing
the careful, familiar feeling of
I’m at once
soft herbs seeking patches of sunlight
and heavy stone
Carved from the wombs of my ancestors.
who stood like me
one step in front of the other.
Rhythmic heartbeat felt in the ribs
beneath the ripe hanging fullness of my breast.
I am a tree in summer
pulsing sugar and ripening with the sun
released by a tide Moon’s practiced track
across the dark night sky.
Wells of wild intuition plunging forth
as I breathe.
Harriet Stone is a Canadian storyteller and poet currently completing her first collection of writing. Her work is inspired by hidden wild places and the untamed landscape of her home. Harriet is honored to have her first poem published with Silver Rose Magazine. You can find more of Harriet’s work on Instagram @sincerelyharriet.